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Sunday, 12 September 2010

BB11: Big Brother 11 Nomination History

Week 1

Ben nominated Shabby and Sunshine
Caoimhe nominated Sunshine and Dave
Corin nominated Caoimhe and Sunshine
Dave nominated Govan and Rachael
Govan nominated Sunshine and Dave
Ife nominated Sunshine and Steve
John James nominated Rachael and Shabby
Josie nominated Dave and Sunshine
Mario nominated Shabby and Corin
Nathan nominated Sunshine and Ben
Rachael nominated Dave and Sunshine
Shabby nominated Sunshine and Dave
Steve nominated Sunshine and Shabby
Sunshine nominated Govan and Shabby

Dave won the challenge and chose Rachael to take his place.
Rachael, Shabby and Sunshine faced the public vote.

Rachael was evicted with 37.5% of the public vote

Week 2

Ben nominated Govan and Shabby
Caoimhe nominated Sunshine and Ben
Corin nominated Ben and Mario
Dave nominated Govan and Shabby
Govan nominated Dave and Ben
Ife nominated Ben and Dave
John James nominated Caoimhe and Shabby
Josie nominated Dave and Ben
Mario nominated Govan and Shabby
Nathan nominated Sunshine and Ben
Shabby nominated Ben and Dave
Steve nominated Govan and Ben
Sunshine nominated Caoimhe and Nathan

Shabby won the challenge and chose Mario to take her place.
Ben, Dave, Govan and Mario faced the public vote.

Govan was evicted with 72% of the public vote

Week 3

Ben nominated Nathan and Shabby
Caoimhe nominated Dave and Sunshine
Corin nominated John James and Mario
Dave nominated Shabby and Caoimhe
Ife nominated Dave and Sunshine
John James nominated Ben and Dave
Josie nominated Dave and Sunshine
Mario nominated Corin and Shabby
Nathan nominated Dave and Sunshine
Shabby nominated Sunshine and Dave
Steve nominated Caoimhe and Shabby
Sunshine nominated Caoimhe and Shabby

Dave won the challenge and chose Caoimhe to take his place.
Caoimhe, Shabby and Sunshine faced the public vote.

Sunshine was evicted with 42% of the public vote

Week 4

Ben nominated Ife and John James
Caoimhe nominated Nathan and Ife
Corin nominated Caoimhe and John James
Dave nominated Ife and Caoimhe
Ife nominated Caoimhe and Ben
John James nominated Caoimhe and Ben
Josie nominated Nathan and Corin
Mario nominated Corin and Steve
Nathan nominated Caoimhe and John James
Steve nominated Ben and John James

Shabby walked during this week.

Caoimhe won the challenge and chose Nathan to take her place.
John James and Nathan faced the public vote.

Nathan was evicted with 89% of the public vote

Week 5

Ben nominated Ife and Steve
Caoimhe nominated Ife and Corin
Corin nominated Caoimhe and John James
Dave nominated Ife and Corin
Ife nominated Caoimhe and Ben
John James nominated Corin and Ife
Josie nominated Ife and Dave
Mario nominated Josie and Caoimhe
Steve nominated Ben and John

Caoimhe won the challenge and chose Mario to take her place.
Corin, Ife and Mario faced the public vote.

Ife was evicted with 56.5% of the public vote

Week 6

Andrew nominated Corin and Rachel
Ben nominated John James and Steve
Corin nominated Caoimhe and Rachel
Dave nominated Caoimhe and Keeley
John James nominated Keeley and Corin
Josie nominated Caoimhe and Dave
Keeley nominated Caoimhe and John James
Mario nominated Josie and Caoimhe
Rachel nominated Ben and Caoimhe
Steve nominated Caoimhe and Rachel

Caoimhe broke the rules and therefore her votes were void. She later walked.

Due to Caoimhe's departure and Keeley's absence from the House this week's nominations have become null and void and this week's eviction has been cancelled.

Week 7

Andrew nominated Rachel and Steve
Ben nominated Steve and John James
Corin nominated Rachel and Andrew
Dave broke the rules so was not allowed to nominate and was up for eviction
John James nominated Ben and Andrew
Josie nominated Ben and Mario
Mario nominated Ben and Steve
Rachel nominated John James and Ben
Steve nominated John James and Josie

Steve won the challenge and chose Andrew to take his place.
Andrew, Ben, Dave and John James faced the public vote

Ben was evicted with 52% of the public vote.

Week 8

Andrew nominated Rachel and Mario
Corin nominated Rachel and Jo
Dave nominated Steve and Mario
JJ nominated Rachel and Steve
Jo nominated John James and Andrew
John James nominated Rachel and Mario
Josie nominated Mario and Steve
Mario nominated Josie and John James
Rachel nominated Mario and John James
Steve nominated John James and Josie

Mario won the challenge and chose Dave to take his place
Dave, John James and Rachel will face the public vote.

Rachel was evicted with 58.5% of the public vote.

Week 9

Nasty Nominations!

Andrew nominated/gunged Sam and Steve
Corin nominated/gunged Sam and Jo
Dave nominated/gunged Mario and Jo
JJ nominated/gunged Steve and Mario
Jo nominated/gunged Corin and Dave
John James nominated/gunged Corin and Mario
Josie nominated/gunged JJ and Andrew
Mario nominated/gunged Dave and JJ
Sam nominated/gunged Dave and Jo
Steve nominated/gunged JJ and Mario

Mario won the challenge and chose Sam to take his place
Dave, JJ, Jo and Sam will face the public vote.

Jo was evicted with 34.9% of the public vote.

Week 10

There were no nominations this week.

All housemates, bar Josie, faced the public vote.

Corin was evicted with 20.6% of the public vote
John James was evicted with 34.2% of the public vote
Sam was evicted with 14.6% of the public vote
Steve was evicted with 9.8% of the public vote

The Final

Five housemates were in the final: Andrew, Dave, JJ, Josie and Mario. The public were voting for the finalists to win.

Andrew came fifth with 3.9% of the public vote.
JJ came fourth with 4.5% of the public vote.
Mario came third with 5.1% of the public vote.
Dave came second with 9.1% of the public vote.

Josie was the winner of BB11 with 77.5% of the public vote.

Josie re-enters the house as the first housemate of Ultimate Big Brother.

*BB official website:

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