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Wednesday, 8 September 2010

UBB: Brian Questions Josie's Big Brother Romance

Day 92: Ultimate Big Brother housemate Brian Dowling has questioned the romance between BB11 housemates Josie and John James. He seemed to doubt John James in the relationship, while Nick and Michelle spoke quite positively about the couple and Victor believed Josie was in love with John James.

"What do you think Josie's doing now?" mused Brian, as Michelle told him that she thought the BB11 winner would be spending time with John James. "Do you think they're still together?" asked Brian, who looked rather surprised.

"It's probably their wedding day," Michelle joked.

"But do you really? Did you believe them?" he probed, as Victor replied: "I believed her."

"I think she loves him," agreed Nick. "So why did he never kiss her? It's so weird," noted Brian.

"That's the difference between men and women," explained Michelle, who famously pursued fellow BB5 housemate Stuart relentlessly during their series. "People always say that I'm the bunny boiler, but me and Stu were together for, like, a year afterwards."

*BB official website:

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